Please answer the following questions. You MUST provide an answer to each question, otherwise the default answer will be registered. Once you proceed to PART TWO, you can not return to PART ONE (well, you can, but the game engine will not recognize your new answers). Each question is weighed differently, but each question is important in determining your final and perfect 'N SYNC match!


Question 1: What is your name?


Question 2: What is your astrological sign?


Question 3: Ok, let's start to narrow it down some. What kind of profession would your guy have if the 'N SYNC gig didn't worl out?


Question 4: Listen up, this could be important: What kind of pet or pets do you have?


Question 5: What is your favorite color?


Question 6: Hair color just might matter, eh? Which do you prefer?


Question 7: The age thing: which do you prefer?



Ok, that's it for PART ONE. Now remember, once you click on the boys below, your answers to the questions above will be registered with the game engine. You cannot return to this page and answer them again.

Now it's time to answer some more questions ...





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